The mystic

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The mystic - 20-6-12.jpg

The mystic is a diver of curious depths - that cosmic question, silent nod.

I'd rather be known as one because there is an interesting quality to that special unknown. When I 'felt' like I was seeing behind my eyelids, was I merely dreaming that I was doing that, and if so why is it such an uncommonly strange dream? If anything I'd cultivate an interest in its psychological aspects - although, besides the viable logical observations there do not seem to be qualitative experiences to be held; subjectivity is inevitable, and as such I embrace it. Why is it that sometimes we seem to notice ourselves dreaming as soon as we drift to sleep, but most other times it is only hours thereafter?

Ultimately, how exactly does our waking reality interact and actively alter our dreams? Are they possibly two sides of a coin, or even a collage?

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