Merely to perceive
Could emotion be the fundament of life, as logic is for the physical? Could then the universe have as an objective its own understanding – through the right medley of both – until it sighs, as a sign of relief, for finally understanding its nature? On the subjective level we are to see what each unique feeling consists of – life, the very atomic model of all holistic existence – and to accomplish this understanding until (hypothetically) matter becomes the perception itself to form the basis of the cosmos. Suicide may be the end result of the above process – matter (or detachment from it) becomes the percept itself and annihilates the system (what if, possibly, as this is also the physical state of an encounter between matter and antimatter, that perceiving – or consciousness itself (or mind) – is the latter and their mutual destruction is, on the other hand, the eschatological (ultimate) purpose of the universe?). Does this all imply, then that understanding life destroys it? Science merely being the harbinger of its own doom? Light solely disabling its own 'light at the end of the tunnel', with darkness being just a spectator?
In the end, is this why there is still a quintessential beauty to nothingness in itself (it being the result of destruction) – this being the inevitable destination of life (death)?
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